Alongside an iOS 8.1.1 update for iOS users, Apple also showed Mac users some update love today, releasing OS X Yosemite 10.10.1. The update is designed to improve Wi-Fi performance, and also includes fixes for Mail and Microsoft Exchange users.

The update is available to OS X Yosemite users via the “Updates” tab in the Mac App Store, and can also be downloaded here.
From the OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 Support Page:
About the update
The OS X Yosemite v10.10.1 Update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac. This update:
- Improves Wi-Fi reliability
- Improves reliability when connecting to a Microsoft Exchange server
- Resolves an issue that may prevent Mail from sending messages through certain email service providers
- Addresses an issue prevents connecting to remote computers using Back to My Mac
- Resolves an issue where sharing services, Notification Center widgets and Actions may not be available
- Addresses an issue that could cause Notiication Center settings to not be retained after a restart
- Addresses an issue that might prevent the Mac App Store from displaying certain updates
- Addresses an issue that could prevent some Mac mini computers from waking from sleep
- Resolves an issue that might prevent Time Machine from displaying older backups
- Addresses an issue that might prevent entering text in Japanese
Enterprise content
For enterprise customers, this update:
- Allows you to append search domains for partially qualified domain names when performing DNS lookups (consult the discoveryd man page for more information)
- Addresses an issue where the Mac App Store might offer an update to Apple Remote Desktop when the latest version is already installed