Any geek worth his or her salt will enjoy today’s MacTrast Deal! Enjoy 3-months worth of deliveries of geeked-out merchandise – like t-shirts, Batman figurines, stickers, and even the odd comic book thrown in here and there. Introducing Loot Crate!

“No, you haven’t died and gone to heaven. This is better. You’re getting loot from Loot Crate, a monthly geek-and-gamer subscription box — a subscription box you can actually use.” – ReadWriteLoot Crate is the first-ever subscription service for those that live and breathe the geek and gaming lifestyle.
With this 3-Month Subscription, you will join a network of “Looters” who have access to the best gear, collectibles, toys, apparel, art, and other goodies made just for them.You get 1 different crate a month, chock full of a mystery assortment of these epic goods – normal price is $18.37/month, but our special price includes 3 crates for only $16/month.
Theme: Titans

Theme: Transform

Theme: Dragons

We’re all geeks here, so it was a no-brainer to partner with a company that curates items fellow geeks and gamers rave about.
Loot Crate’s been described as “nerd Christmas once a month,” “Comic Con swag without the Con flu,” and the “favorite reason to check the mailbox.” Soon enough, you’ll be high-fiving a stranger at the airport because you recognize his awesome limited edition Atari shirt.
- Be surprised by new, cool geek items each month!
- Exclusive items you won’t find anywhere else!
- 1 epic mystery cart of goodies once a month for 3 months
“This is a subscription service unlike all the others — the emphasis is on humorous, off beat items with strong geek appeal.” – Wired
“Everyone loves when a mysterious box filled with geeky loot is delivered to their front door, right?” – MTV Geek
An avid desire for all things gaming/comics/geek, and a thirst for the unknown.
- Weight – 2 lb
- Dimensions – Fluctuate every month depending upon items included
One of the core features of Loot Crate is that its contents are always a mystery and different. So truthfully, you won’t know everything that you’re getting. The suspense is kind of fun, isn’t it?
What we CAN tell you – October’s theme is FEAR, which includes an epic t-shirt as well as exclusive Walking Dead & CAPCOM items!
What we CAN’T tell you – Anything else :).
- No refunds
- Continental US customers only
- New Loot Crate subscribers only
- 3-Month Loot Crate Plan
- Free Shipping included
- Price is in US Dollars (USD)
- Crates will arrive between the 20th & 25th of each month
- You will select t-shirt size on Loot Crate’s website when you redeem your voucher
- To receive October’s crate, you must redeem your purchase by this Sunday (10/19/14) at 9pm PST
- Redemptions after 10/19/14 at 9pm PST will account towards Loot Crate’s November box
- Upon purchase, complete redemption instructions to activate Loot Crate subscription
- Credit card needed for redemption of subscription – you will not be charged and you can cancel subscription at any time