A number of iPhone 6 Plus users are reporting an issue where the phone crashes or enters a reboot loop. Many users have been forced to take their iPhone in for service where it is usually swapped out for a new unit. AppleInsider reports that some owners are on their fourth replacement iPhone.

Multiple owners have reported identical crashing problems on Apple’s Support Communities forum, with one thread now standing at more than 9,000 views and 60 replies.
The exact cause of the crashes has yet to be uncovered, however iPhone 6 Plus owners posting to the thread claim to have it narrowed down to a few common causes. The 128GB iPhone 6 Plus is the model most affected by the issue, the number of apps installed on the devices is larger than 700, and the crashes can occur at any time, without user interaction. Some posts point to hardware issues, while others claim it has to be software causing the problem.
Early on, it was believed that restoring from a previous iPhone image possibly carried over faulty settings or incompatible apps. However, this was debunked following multiple attempts to restore the devices as new and then adding apps manually also experienced the crashing issues.
Some forum members report taking their iPhone 6 Plus in to an Apple Store for an examination. Some report receiving a new device, while other report they are told to hang on to the problematic device as the repair ticket is escalated. Recipients of a new iPhone have usually experienced the issue once again with the replacement device.
Fixes, such as the previously mentioned restore as new and manually reinstall apps process, seem to fix the problem for only a short while before the problem rears its ugly head again.
Some posts indicate that turning on the Display Zoom function sometimes helps ease the crashing issues, but this is not a proven fix.
Apple has yet to officially comment on the issue, and AppleInsider reports the company does not as yet have a policy in place to deal with the iPhone 6 Plus handsets being brought into Apple Stores.
We’ll keep you posted.