Apple will reportedly be pre-installing iOS 8 versions of their iLife and iWork suites onto 64GB and 128GB versions of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

9to5Mac, referencing an Apple Retail training document they got their hands on, says apps to be pre-installed include: iMovie, GarageBand, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, and iTunes U.

Those of you who are planning on buying a 16GB model of one of Apple’s newest handsets shouldn’t fret though, as you’ll still be able to download the iLife and iWork app suites for free from Apple’s iOS App Store. Apple has allowed new owners of iOS devices to download the apps free from the App Store, and it looks as if that will continue.
While the move will prove to be convenient for new iPhone 6/6 Plus owners who were intending to download the iLife and iWork suites anyway, this move is also sure to gain the ire of some, who will scream “bloatware!” and complain of the pre-installed apps taking up precious space on their devices. (You know it will happen. – Ed.)