Do you have a bent iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus? It’s just possible that Apple MIGHT replace it for you. TNW spoke to an Apple support representative via chat to find out the details.

When TNW asked the rep if a bent enclosure during normal use of an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus would qualify for a replacement, the representative said:
That is 100 percent up to the Genius you speak with at the store. There is a test called a Visual Mechanical Inspection that the device will have to pass. If it is within the guidelines, they will be able to cover it. If not, the replacement would be a paid one.
When pressed for details on what the Genius Bar guidelines would be for this situation, the representative replied that such information wasn’t made available to chat support staff.
The rep also said that Apple’s support team is “looking into this with an insane amount of detail.” The staffer then offered to escalate the issue to a call with a senior support advisor.
There hasn’t been an official statement from Apple concerning “bendgate” (UGH! – Ed.), but it appears the company is at least willing to take a look at bent iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus units and replace them on a case-to-case basis.
Note: If you’re intentionally warping the iPhones, such as found in videos around the web, it’s almost a given that you’ll be turned down for a replacement. (DUH! – Ed.)