Wallpaper Weekends is a series that works to bring you stunning, high quality wallpapers for your iPad, iPhone, and/or iPod Touch.
Las Vegas has changed over the years. It has morphed from a tiny neon jungle to the giant computer controlled monolith we know and love today. Luckily someone, (The Neon Museum), cared enough about the Vegas past to try and save some of the old signs from long closed, but not forgotten casinos and restaurants.
Todays wallpapers come to us from John Carey at fiftyfootshadows. John has a great eye for photography, and he has some fantastic shots at his place, so be sure to drop in and check out the rest of his work. (He has some really great Neon Graveyard shots that we didn’t have room to show here.)
We’ve also included a bonus Mac desktop wallpaper, in addition to our usual iPhone and iPad options. See ya in Vegas baby!



Download Instructions
From your device, link to the full resolution image by tapping the individual images. When the new window opens, tap and hold on the image until the “Save Image” option appears. Saving the image will place your new wallpaper in the Camera Roll. From your desktop, link to the full resolution image. Right click and save the image to your iTunes photo sync folder.