Popcorn Time, the somewhat questionable service that allows you to stream movie torrents just like they were Netflix content, is adding another great feature to their Mac and PC clients. The service will soon add AirPlay ability to both clients, allowing viewing of the torrents on your Apple TV.

As you might recall, the original (and questionably legal) Popcorn Time open source project killed itself earlier this year, but like all worthy internet things, it was kept alive by a devoted team of developers at Time4Popcorn.eu.
The team of developers tells Gizmodo that AirPlay support will hit the Windows app tomorrow, and the Mac update will debut “at the beginning of next week.” The team also promises an iOS version next month.
Whatever your moral opinion of accessing movies and other content via torrents, it’s rather entertaining to watch this team continue to add features to their app. (And as always, use of a product like this is completely up to you, the reader, not us, so when the movie police come a knockin’, you didn’t hear about this from us, capiche? -Ed.)
For more information, visit the Time4Popcorn site.