Apple’s most recent EFI update for the mid-2011 MacBook Air apparently includes a bug that will in some cases cause a failure to install, or in more serious instances, cause the system to crash.

Apple pushed out the MacBook Air EFI update 2.9 last week to address sleep/wake issues seen on mid-2011 hardware running OS X 10.9.2 and later.
Users on Tuesday began reporting issues with the update in Apple’s Support Communities forum, citing issues such as installation bugs and system lockups. The exact cause is unknown, as users with identical hardware are experiencing various issues.
One user reported taking their “bricked” machine to an Apple Store Genius Bar, where the “Genius” performed a soft SMC reset to bring the computer back to life. The user says the issue was then reported to Apple’s engineering department, although the EFI update page has yet to have been removed.
Apple MacBook Air update was intended to fix issues causing the laptop to take longer than normal to awake from sleep mode, and another problem that could cause the Mac’s fans to run at full speed after waking up.