Apple maintained its spot as the number one smartphone maker in the U.S. Meanwhile, Google’s Android held onto its spot as the overall top smartphone platform. The numbers are from comScore’s latest MobiLens and Mobile Metrix reports, which measure smartphone ownership and cover the three months ending January 2014.

Apple beat out rival Samsung with 41.6 percent market share as compared to Samsung’s 26.7 percent. When comparing changes over the measured periods, Apple, Samsung and LG made small gains, while Motorola and HTC fell. Apple’s market share continues to grow, but its rate of adoption is slowing.
While Apple maintained its top smartphone maker spot, iOS continues to be outnumbered by the sheer variety of Android handsets available in the marketplace. Apple’s iOS platform was number two with 41.6% of the smartphone market, behind Google’s 51.7% share.

iOS was the only platform to gain share during the three-month period, inching up 1 percentage point to 41.6%, while Android and BlackBerry both lost ground, losing 0.5% each. Microsoft and Symbian stood pat.
comScore compiles its data via measurement of the ownership and usage of a customer’s primary smartphone and tablet via online surveys, as well as both panel and census-based methods.