Analytics firm Mixpanel reports (via AppleInsider) that Apple’s iPhone 5s is almost to the 20% mark in overall iPhone marketshare, and will soon pass the iPhone 4S. Sadly, the iPhone 5c hasn’t fared as well, and appears to be stuck at a 6% share.

As the chart above illustrates, the iPhone 5s accounted for 19.31% of all active iPhone handsets during the week of March 3rd. The iPhone 5 has the top spot, with 32.65% of iPhone users, the iPhone 4S has 23.94%, the iPhone 4 has 16.4%, while the iPhone 5c “boasts” a 6.34% share of users.
The iPhone 4s, iPhone 5c, and iPhone 5s are the only handsets measure that are still in sale to consumers.
The graph shows both the iPhone 5s and 5c exhibiting growth. The iPhone 5s shows an average of 0.5% growth each week since December 30th. The iPhone 5c has not performed as well, growing it’s share of users at a much slower 0.14% rate.
Web and mobile analytics firm Mixpanel handles 17 billion user actions per month. The statistics used for the above chart were recorded from September 9, 2013 to March 3, 2014.