Carl “The Little Investor That” Icahn apparently looked at Apple’s falling stock price yesterday as a buying opportunity, as he picked up another $500 million worth of shares in the company, bringing his total investment in the Cupertino firm up to just over $4 billion. The long-time activist Apple investor had just invested two sets of $500 million in the company last week.

Icahn tweeted about his latest buy, taking the opportunity to push his view that Apple needs to step up the pace on its shares buyback program:
Just bought $500 mln more $AAPL shares. My buying seems to be going neck-and-neck with Apple’s buyback program, but hope they win that race.
Apple will be holding its scheduled shareholders meeting next month, so we can only assume “iCahn” will pick up the pace of his activist tweets, if not also the pace of his AAPL stock buys.