Apple’s iOS products were used to place the majority of online mobile device-based Black Friday sales in the U.S. Buyer’s usage of mobile devices was up 9% over last year, with mobile devices accounting for 37% of all shopping traffic and 21% of online sales.

A series of regular reports by IBM’s Digital Analytics Benchmark group, tracking a “digital analytics platform that tracks millions of transactions and analyzes terabytes of raw data from approximately 800 retail sites nationwide,” profiled the week’s shopping by mobile users.
While smartphones drove twice as much traffic as tablets, users of the larger devices actually place 1.5x as many orders, racking up 13.2 % of online purchases, while smartphones accounted for 7.8%.
When those numbers are broken down by mobile platform, IBM says iOS devices accounted for 4.5x more sales than Android, accounting for over 80% of mobile-based sales. 17.3% of all online sales took place on an iOS mobile device, compared to 3.75% on the Android platform.
iOS users also reportedly spent more on average than Android users, $131.34 versus $111.35 respectively.