Apple continues to improve iPhone 5s supplies just ahead of the holiday shopping rush, as shipping estimates for the device in the company’s online store are now showing 1-3 days for all carriers, colors, and capacities for North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East.

The GSM-compatible SIM-free iPhone still has a shipping estimate of 1–2 weeks.
Following the launch of the iPhone 5s, supplies were significantly constrained, especially for silver and gold models. Shipping estimates slipped to 7 to 10 days just hours after the phone was released and then slipped further to two to three weeks for an extended period of time.
As recently as a few weeks ago, shipping estimates were 3-5 days in North America and the Asia Pacific, while European and Middle Eastern stores still listed 1-2 weeks as a shipping estimate.
Recent reports have noted that Apple has significantly ramped up production of the popular handset, by using capacity formerly reserved for iPhone 5c production.
In-store supplies of the iPhone 5s are also more plentiful, with reports of all colors and capacities of the device being available for immediate pickup in the bricks and stick locations across the U.S.