Apple has finally added the ability to gift ebooks to others through the iBookstore. While iTunes users have long been allowed to gift songs, movies, apps and such to others, the ability to gift ebooks has been lacking from Apple’s online ebook marketplace.

Books can be gifted immediately, or the gift email notification can be held for a particular date, making holiday shopping particularly easy. Apple added the ability to gift App Store apps back in 2010.
Gifting in the iBookstore works the same way as its iTunes and App Store siblings. Simply choose the book you’d like to gift, then tap the drop-down arrow next to the price on a Mac, or the Share button on an iOS device. Then select “Gift This Book” on a Mac, or on iOS, choose “Gift.” Add the recipients email address, the sender’s name, and a brief message. Select the date you want the gift sent, and you’re set to go.
One note: You can only purchase gifts for other users in the same country store that you are in. No international book gifting is available as yet.