If you’re the owner of an older iPad, and you’ve got your eye on a new iPad Air, or the upcoming Retina iPad mini, or you’d just like an extra $200 bucks to spend on something pretty, has Target got a deal for you!

Target is offering $200 for any iPad, including the original 1st generation models. Outside of the promotion, Target normally offers only $65 for a 16 GB Wi-Fi original iPad, which makes the $200 gift card a great deal.
The trade-in promotion is going to end on Saturday, November 9th, so you might want to wipe off your iPad and skedaddle down to your nearest Target store.
Here’s a few important tidbits of info for you on the offer. You can’t get the $200 gift card deal online, as the Target online trade-in site will only pay you $65 for a 1st-generation 16GB Wi-Fi iPad.
Also, reports vary on if you are required to spend the $200 gift card on an new iPad. MacRumors reports some readers have had no issues simply getting the gift card with no strings, while others have been told the gift card must be used for the purchase of a new iPad, while still others have had success in saying they want to wait for the Retina iPad mini.
There are reports of long lines and overwhelmed employees too, so your mileage may vary. You also want to make sure your Target location has a Target Mobility store inside it. (Check here.) Reports are however, that the process is relatively painless for most, as a Target-ite will type in your old device’s model number, check to make sure it works and the screen isn’t cracked, enters a license number, and Bazinga! Gift card!
Now get that old iPad of yours polished up, and go out there and trade it in!
Have any of you had an experience trading in your old iPad at Target? We’d love to hear about it – good or bad – in the comments section below.