Tests run by tech review site Anandtech show that the new Retina iPad mini can’t show the same wide range of colors that its bigger sibling, the iPad Air is capable of.

Putting the new Mini through its paces, Anandtech discovered that its color gamut hasn’t changed since the first model was introduced in 2012. Further, the Retina Mini’s sRGB coverage is limited compared with that of the Air and with those of rival tablets, such as the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HDX 8.9.
Anandtech says while the difference is small, it is easily apparent, especially to those users who have experienced the full sRGB coverage found in the Air and the Retina Display MacBook Pros and the iMac. The red/blue and magenta colors are where the most visible deviations are, and can be viewed in a side-by-side comparison on the Anandtech site.
Anandtech theorizes that Apple may see the Air as a better candidate for photographer and other users who would be concerned with color reproduction.
While the site gave the Retina iPad mini good marks for its color accuracy, sharpness, and lack of image retention it still preferred the Air, saying those on the fence between the mini and Air should be aware the Air does have an advantage with its display.