While “we” have made “our” predictions about today’s Apple event, there was a lot of discussion behind the scenes. Believe it or not, Chris and Glenn don’t always (ever) agree on everything around here. So, “we” decided to let you in on some behind the scenes opinions on what you’ll see at today’s event.

These thoughts and opinions range from educated guesses, using simple logic, all the way to those formed using the SWAG method. (Scientific Wild Ass Guess.)
Here we go…
New iPads, and iPad minis, what will we see?
Chris: Retina displays for both, there will possibly be some production delays with the Retina mini, so the supply will, of course, be no where near the demand. I do think there will be an A7, possibly an A7X in the full-sized iPad, and we’ll see the A6, or A6X in the mini.
I think we’ll see a gold model of both devices. (Gold is Best!) Also, let’s get crazy, a 256GB model of the big iPad will be announced. I don’t really see the M7 motion co-processor or Touch ID on either model, but I’ll hedge my bets and say maybe the cellular models of both devices will include the M7.
Glenn: New iPad mini with Retina, A6x processor, Slate Grey instead of black color option. I’m thinking the full-sized iPad will get an A7 and Touch ID. The iPad mini MIGHT get Touch ID, but less likely.
The full-sized iPad will be thinner and lighter, with narrower bezels.
The M7 is a crapshoot, probably restricted to cellular models if at all.
New Macs, What About Them?
Glenn: 60%. We will hear something about the new Mac Pro. There may be minor mentions about Haswell MacBook Airs and new Retina MacBook Pros, and 802.11ac coming to the Mac mini. The Mac Pro is the only Mac to get Thunderbolt 2.
Mac Pro release: End of October at the latest. Preorders as soon as the end of the event.
Non-Retina MacBook Pros kisses the earth.
Chris: The MacBook Pros will finally get some Haswell love. There’s a possibility that the non Retina MB Pros go away, but they may hang in there for another go-round.
The Mac mini will get a minor bump in specs, maybe Haswell, and most likely 802.11ac.
The Mac Pro finally gets a release date, let’s say second week in November. Preorders available after the event is over. (SWAG)
Apple TV?
Chris: Dunno about this one, I’m not feeling a new box, definitely not a full-blown TV set. Maybe a bump up in specs, possibly a new OS version. Again, completely SWAG.
Glenn: Major software update, and updated hardware – but not a MAJOR refresh. A new model with A7-based chip and 4K support.
Glenn: I was expecting to see it BEFORE the event, since it has already went Golden Master, but… It will be priced at $20.
Chris: Available immediately following tomorrow’s event, end of the week at the latest, $20.
Chris: Apple will announce a 128GB iPhone, just to piss Glenn off.
No iWatch this time, maybe in the Spring 2014.
I like the idea of new Thunderbolt Displays, maybe 4K.
No iRing, although that would be cool as hell.
Tim Cook will hint about some very cool wearable tech coming our way.
Glenn: We’ll at least hear discussion about new Thunderbolt displays, if not a release. While Apple may refer to the new displays as “Retina,” they’ll be 4K capable.
4K support in the iTunes Store too, if they announce a 4K capable Apple TV.
We will NOT see the iWatch – but Tim Cook will make SPECIFIC references to wearable tech during the presentation.
Here’s the big one from Glenn, and it was late in the day, and Glenn may have already gotten into the liquor cabinet, but…
“IF Apple releases a 4K Thunderbolt display… It will be the first one from a major manufacturer for $1500 or less.” Write that one down folks.
Well, that’s our best shot at what’s coming our way today. We’ll update this article with a “score” after the event is over, so be sure to come back and see what we nailed on the head, what we barely missed, and what we weren’t even on the same planet with.