We’ve reported on the issues users are having in iOS 7 sending and receiving iMessages . While there is a quick fix that some are having success with, it doesn’t always solve the problem, and when it does fix it, some times it’s just temporarily.
Instead of sending as an iMessage, texts have either been reverting to SMS or just hanging without ever sending. Now, Apple has told the WSJ that it is aware of the issue and it is working on a fix for an upcoming software update
“We are aware of an issue that affects a fraction of a percent of our iMessage users, and we will have a fix available in an upcoming software update,” Apple said in a statement. “In the meantime, we encourage any users having problems to reference our troubleshooting documents or contact AppleCare to help resolve their issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes impacted users.”
So it’s a software issue, but call AppleCare. Those guys are good, but I’m not sure they can heal sick software over the phone.
Apple is reportedly working on the fix to be included in iOS 7.0.3. Once they have an official release date, or another fix, we’ll be sure to let you know.