If it seemed like everyone in the world was trying to download the iOS 7 update for their devices yesterday, you’re not too far off. Mashable reports researchers estimate that less than 24 hours after the release of iOS 7, the adoption rate for the new mobile OS already sits at around 28% of all iOS devices.

That’s the figure from Mixpanel, which bases its figures on more than 1,000 apps. As Cult of Mac noted, that’s already much higher than that of Jellybean, Android’s latest upgrade.
Google’s latest version of Jellybean for Android devices has an adoption rate of right around 8.5%, after a month of availability.
Fisku, which claims to have access to some 99% of iOS traffic claims as of THursday morning that the iOS 7 adoption figure sits at 17.7%.

For comparison purposes among iOS versions, iOS 6 had an adoption rate of 25% to 35% after 48 hours of release, while iOS 5 took 21 days to take 21% of the iOS users fancy.
We here at MacTrast are seeing numbers that support the quick adoption of iOS 7, as 40% of our iOS visitors yesterday were running iOS 7, with a whopping 79% of iOS users who visited so far today running the latest and greatest from Cupertino. This is compared to a mere 11% iOS 7 share of iOS visitors on Wednesday, the day before the new mobile OS was released to the public.
Make sure to check out our full iOS 7 coverage roundup for all the details regarding iOS 7, and all of our iOS 7 launch coverage!
(UPDATE – 9/23/13) – The latest numbers from Mixpanel show that the number of devices running iOS 7 has now surpassed iOS 6. iOS 7 is now on 60.07% of iOS devices, while iOS 6 is currently at 36.83%.