The touchscreen on the iPhone 5 is 2.5X faster than the the closest Android device when responding to touch input. The measurements comes from app streaming company Agawi by way of their TouchMarks benchmarks.

Agawi, via iMore:
As you can see, the results are remarkable. At a MART of 55ms, The iPhone 5 is twice as responsive as any Android or WP8 phone tested. All the Android devices’ MARTs fell in the same 110 – 120ms range, with the WP8-based Lumia 928 falling into that bucket as well. (Incidentally, the ranges all span about 16ms, which is expected given the 60 Hz refresh rate of these smartphones. 1/60s = 16.6ms)
The iPhone 4S came in at a MART of 85ms. The best performing non-Apple device was Samsung’s Galaxy S4, coming in at 114ms.
Agawi says it believes the better performance of the Apple devices comes from better optimization or calibration of the touchscreen hardware, or the fact that iPhone apps are written in Objective-C.
Agawi has plans to benchmark the iPhone 5s and 5c, as well as many more Android and Windows Phone handsets in the near future.