The iPhone 5S is upon us, impressive 64-bit A7 processor at all – and of course, packing iOS 7. “Surely,” you exclaim, “There is some place I can go to view a list, updated in real time, that shows the apps that are available to take advantage of the iPhone 5S processor and iOS 7’s improved features!” Yes there is, and we’ll tell you all about it.

MacRumors‘ sister site has a search results page that’s updated constantly. As of this writing, the list shows just over 100 results for the search term “iPhone 5S”, and well over 1,000 search results for “iOS 7”!
Now, that’s a lot of apps, and some of them probably just mention “iPhone 5S” or “iOS 7” somewhere in their descriptions, but it’s still the best way to find the iPhone 5S and iOS 7-optimized apps you know you’re going to want to grab as soon as you have your new “precious” in your hot little hand.
Check out our iPhone 5S and 5C launch page for our full assortment of tips, guides, apps, resources, and other coverage!