We’re all waiting for iOS 7 today, and then of course our eyes will turn toward the new iPhones on Friday. However, during this time at least 4 of our readers will be looking forward to this: BlackBerry Messenger for iOS and Android is rumored to be set for a release this Saturday, September 21st.

CrackBerry, via iMore:
The latest rumor has the event pegged for Sept. 20th in Jakarta and even has an official looking invite to go along with it. However, we’re not posting this information solely based on that. We’ve received quite a few emails that do suggest the date is correct
BBM for iOS is said to be hitting the App Store following the launch event, at 12:01AM local time on Saturday.
So, am I right in saying few of our readers will be excited upon hearing this? Has BBM’s 15 minutes of fame all used up? Let us know if you’re excited about the release of BBM for iOS in the comments section below. Even better, let us know if you’re NOT excited, and why.
Oh, BTW, another indication that a release of BBM for iOS is immanent is this blurb that appeared recently on TV:
(UPDATE: 09/18/2013) – The Verge reports that Android users will get BBM for their devices on Saturday, September 21st, while iOS users will have to show some restraint, as BBM won’t show up in the App Store until the next day, Sunday, September 22nd.