The battle between iOS and Android has been a hallmark of the mobile device market for years – and the content stores for the two platforms are incredible competitive as well! But just how do they really compare? The folks over at Kinvey and Beutler Ink have put together a great set of somewhat less common comparisons between the two stores – and they’ve compiled their findings in an easy-to-digest infographic!
From Kinvey:
Everyone likes a battle, and Apple’s App Store vs. Google Play is one of the more popular showdowns in tech. Every threshold crossed triggers a flurry of articles that pit one marketplace against the other. Which enjoys more downloads; which makes more money; which offers more apps. While these may be the most important metrics, they aren’t necessarily the most fun. So we found ourselves wondering about quirkier differences between the App Store and Google Play. What comparisons could we uncover that hint at the personalities of the app powerhouses?
A few tidbits from the comparison:
- In order to purchase Apple’s most expensive app (“VIP Black” for $999), you must verify assets or income in excess of £1 million before activating the service
- If you misspell “hotels” as “hotwls” in the App Store search, it returns 0 results, while Google Play returns 15,630
- 100% of iOS apps occasionally send unencrypted data (yet the public still perceives iOS as more secure than Android)
- Last year, the iPad experienced a 143% growth in revenue in Russia
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