Just like practically every other major tech company in existence, Microsoft is now reportedly working on their own smart watch, under the direction of their Surface tablet team. According to a report from AmongTech, the watch will use the same connector as the company’s Surface tablets, and run a modified version of Windows 8 or Windows RT.

From the report:
Several weeks back Microsoft […] placed orders for 1.5″ screens as The Verge reported but now trusted sources told AmongTech that the smartwatch is already being used as prototype, that the watch’s wrist bands will be available in a variety of colors Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, White and Gray, that it will have removable wrist bands and the outside housing will be made Oxynitride Aluminium, a aluminium that is a 80% transparent material but still 4 times harder than glass. The smart watch has since short gotten its own department and isn’t part of the Xbox team any more.
Our source also confirms that the smartwatch will include a adapted version of Windows 8 and is mostly based on Cloud storage as far as storage goes, however it won’t have to be connected to a smartphone like Google Glass will be, it will have its own 4G LTE and 6GB of internal storage (mostly for the OS).
While the report is anything BUT confirmed, it wouldn’t come as much of a surprise – ever since rumors of Apple’s “iWatch,” began floating around, there has been no end of companies, including Samsung, Google, and even Dell, apparently rushing to prepare smart devices of their own in an attempt to pre-empt whatever Apple might come up with.
Personally, there’s about as much chance of me wearing Windows on my wrist as there is of me being hit by a bus in the middle of my office. But that could all change if they show of something impressive. We’ll let you know if and when we hear more!