Mobile advertising firm Opera Mediaworks has released a report about the state of mobile advertising for Q2 2013, and shows that Apple’s iOS continues to dominate in the mobile ad space, with 44% of all ad impressions and close to half of total revenue (49.36%).

Using data from the over 35 billion mobile ad impressions its platform handles each month, Opera Mediaworks gives some insight into Apple’s dominance with iOS and its huge lead over Android when it comes to revenue & impressions from tablets.
Apple’s lead over Android is largely due to the iPad, as when tablets are removed from the equation, Android and the iPhone are neck and neck. In the mobile phone ad space, iOS and Android are in a virtual tie for ad impressions, with just over 30% each.
The iPhone grabs the most revenue from those ad impressions, with 36.4% of the revenue, with Android lagging behind with 27.8%.

When the data for ad impressions by smartphone manufacturer is considered, Apple has a considerable lead over number two Samsung, with 43.8% of all impressions, compared to Samsung’s 17.4%.
Apple’s share among tablets is 91.2% compared to just 6.1% for Samsung.