With Apple set to release iOS 7 in the near future, many of you might be wondering what you need to do in order to prepare for the update. We’ve prepared a few tips to help you out.

Backup & Sync Your Device
The first step you should take to prepare for any iOS upgrade is to completely sync and back up your device using iTunes. First, sync your device by selecting it from the left-hand column in iTunes and clicking the “Sync Now” button.
Next, you should back up your device, just in case it didn’t back up during the sync. Backing up your iDevice is as simple as plugging it into your computer, launching iTunes, right-clicking (or option-clicking) your device from the left-hand column, and clicking “Back Up”
You can also back up your iOS device over the air using iCloud. iCloud automatically keeps your device backed up whenever it’s plugged into power, but you can also back up manually by opening Settings, selecting the iCloud pane, then tapping Storage & Backup, and tapping the Back Up Now button.
Take Note Of App-Specific Passwords
If you decide to completely restore your device to factory settings (which is recommended for big updates like iOS 7), it’s important that you make a note of any important app passwords or information that you’ll need to set your device up on a fresh install of iOS.
Now that you’re ready, simply wait it out and enjoy! iOS 7 will be here before you know it.
Start Fresh
While the fastest way to move to iOS 7 is to simply “upgrade” through iTunes, we recommend performing a full restore in iTunes, setting your device up as new, and starting over from scratch. If you don’t, you might miss out on features or optimizations in iOS 7 that are over-ridden by your previous settings. Besides, it gives you a great chance to declutter and perform some “spring cleaning” of your apps! Getting a fresh start feels great, and makes your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch feel pretty much like brand new!
Save Your Settings
If you are fond of the way you had your device set up before iOS 7 was released, it might be a good idea to go into Settings on your device and write down (or take screenshots of) anything important you might not otherwise remember. One good way to do this is to take a screenshot by pressing both the power and home button at the same time, and then importing that screenshot into iPhoto to save it on your Mac.
Keep Track of Folders and Installed Apps
iOS 7 features a completely new folder layout compared to iOS 6, which won’t carry over if you simply update to iOS 7 on top of your current iOS 6 install. By keeping a list of essential apps you need to install – and which folders you’re used to finding them in – starting from scratch (which, once again, we ALWAYS recommend with a major release) will be much faster and easier.