Apple has added a new webpage to their site promoting the enterprise features iOS will offer. The site promotes everything from configuration to data security features in the upcoming iOS version.

Apple iOS 7 webpage, 9to5Mac:
iOS 7 provides enhanced security, powerful new ways to configure and deploy devices at scale, and features to help businesses purchase, distribute, and manage apps with ease. Features including per app VPN, enterprise single sign on, App Store license management, and new mobile device management (MDM) configuration options are just some of the new capabilities in iOS 7 that provide more for organizations of all sizes…
A report last year revealed that Apple clearly dominated the enterprise marketplace last year, as iOS accounted for 74% of business smartphone activations, and an amazing 97% of business tablet activations. iOS devices took six of the ten top slots in the enterprise marketplace.
It was revealed in Apple’s last earnings call that the iPad was being either deployed or tested by 94% of Fortune 500 companies.