Research firm comScore released a report covering U.S. smartphone subscriber market share for the three month period that ended in May. Those three months saw Apple gaining in both categories of ‘top smartphone OEMs’ and ‘OS usage’, maintaining its lead over the other smartphone manufacturers, while seeing its share of the market by platform grow.

The previous three month period had Apple at 38.9% of the market, making it the number #1 smartphone vendor in the US over second place Samsung. In May, Apple continues that lead by increasing its share 0.3 percentage points to 39.2% of the market. That’s significantly higher than the 23% Samsung grabbed despite growing 1.7 percentage points during the quarter. In a close race for third place is HTC with 8.7%, Motorola with 7.8%, and LG with 6.7%, all of which dropped less than a percentage point since last quarter.

Android still leads when it comes to market share by OS usage, with 52.4% for the three-month period, up 0.7%, with Apple taking 39.2% of the market, up from 38.9% last report. As we usually see in reports like these, the growth of both platforms came at the expense of also-rans BlackBerry and Microsoft.