Apple Honored With Coveted ‘Grand Prix for Press’ Award for iPad mini Print Ads

Apple has been awarded a highly coveted Grand Prix for Press Awards. The award was granted in recognition for innovation in print advertising, due to the unique iPad mini ads they ran in magazines such as Time and The New Yorker.

AdAge has the details (via MacRumors):

Apple’s iPad Mini campaign by TBWA Media Arts Lab won the Grand Prix in press, a category that the tablet once seemed designed to kill but now is offering what jury president Marcello Serpa described as redemption by enabling readership of print products.

What it is: Each of five print ads features a different magazine’s cover at the left, and the same cover within an iPad Mini at the right, with a small Apple logo and the tiny words iPad Mini at the bottom. The covers, from real issues of Time, Surfer, Wired, the New Yorker and Wallpaper, are stunning.

Why it won: “It has a kind of guerrilla feeling,” Mr. Serpa said. “It’s a product that goes inside the media and says I’m going to kill you, [then] I’m going to save you. Let’s embrace. It’s redemption.”

What’s so unique about the ads is that the image of the iPad mini was shown at the actual size of the device, showing that the iPad mini has a significant portability advantage over a paper magazine. I can’t be the only one that finds it more than a little ironic that Apple won an award for print advertising while effectively arguing against paper magazines!

Congrats to Apple on the award – let’s hope their marketing team keeps up the great work!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.