Netflix’s iOS app got a significant update yesterday, adding a feature that should please a great deal of users: autoplay! The app now automatically begins the next episode of a television show once you finish the current episode, saving you the trouble of having to manually begin the next episode. This has been a minor annoyance in the Netflix app for a long time, and it’s great to see it change.

The post-play feature also displays three recommended movies after you’ve finished watching a movie, and Netflix has added enhanced “second screen options” to the app. From the Netflix Blog:
At Netflix we’re focused on letting you enjoy TV shows and movies. Today we added the “post-play” feature to our app for iPad, making it even easier to watch more.
If you use Netflix on PlayStation 3 or our Web site, you already know post-play. It makes sitting down for multiple episodes of a show a breeze. After an episode, we minimize the credits and tee-up the next episode. If you do nothing, the next episode starts to play in 10 seconds.Post-play also works for movies. When finishing a feature, we offer three recommendations to try next. If those don’t suit you, you can always go back to browsing to find something else. You won’t need to do anything to take advantage of this, just fire up the Netflix iPad app and enjoy!
The ability to more easily binge-watch TV shows, and the new movie recommendation feature are both great. A full list of changes can be found below:
What’s New in Version 4.1
The new Netflix app makes it even easier to enjoy more movies and TV shows. Enjoy binge watching your favorite TV shows and get the best movie recommendations with this new update.
• Added post-play feature for iPad where, when one episode of a TV show ends, the Netflix app automatically cues and then starts the next episode
• In post-play for movies, the three best movie recommendations are displayed at the end of the movie currently being watched
• Added enhanced second screen options
Netflix for iOS is, as ever, available for free through the App Store (direct link).