Fifteen year old Las Vegas resident Marcos Arenas was dragged to his death on Thursday while being robbed of his prized iPad. Two men — Jacob Dismont, 18, and Michael Solid, 21 — have been arrested and charged for open murder, robbery and conspiracy to commit robbery in the crime.

Arenas, the oldest of ten children and a student at Bonaqnza High School, was walking home from school with his two-month old iPad when Solid and Dismont pulled up in a car and tried to grab it from his hands. Arenas refused to let go, resulting in him being dragged, then run over.
“For him to lose his life over an iPad, it’s just not fair,” Ivan Arenas told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “Never in my life would I imagine that me buying my kid an iPad for his birthday would end up with him getting run over.”
While we at MacTrast prize our devices as much as the next user, please believe us when we say, no mere device is worth something like this happening! It’s not worth taking a young man’s life just because you want his iPad. On the other side of the coin, if someone tries to steal your device, let them have it. Live another day, stolen devices can be replaced. A new iPad costs a few hundred dollars, human life is priceless.