After Google’s announcement that they’ll be shutting down their RSS aggregation platform Google Reader in July, several companies have rushed to fill the void. News aggregator Feedly has now announced a significant update to its iOS app. Updates includes a new feed search engine with a search algorithm designed to help users find unique content.

Soon after the shutdown announcement, Feedly revealed that it had developed a clone of the Google Reader API called Normandy, which got it instant attention from former Google Reader users. Less than a month later, Feedly has garnered more than three million new users, prompting the company to release a significant update to its iOS app.
What’s New in Feedly Version 14:
- Fixes random logout bug, and many other smaller issues
- New Feed Search and Discovery.
- New Title Only View. More controls over layouts.
- Enhanced Sharing & Save for Later
- New “Must Read” Section to easily organize the feeds you don’t want to miss
- Customize Favorite Sharing Tool to G+, Buffer, Twitter, Facebook, Email or browser
- Customize Favorite Save for Later Tool to Pocket
- Mark as read card at the end of each sections
- Pull to refresh in the home selector
Feedly is available for the iPad and iPhone FREE in the App Store. [DIRECT LINK]