30 years ago, when Apple was still small, or at least small enough to organize company retreats, there was an incident everyone at Apple probably regrets involving skinny dipping, a bonfire, shrieking and running at the Carmel La Playa hotel. Steve Jobs was a huge fan of the retreats, which supposedly promoted team bonding and collaboration.
After the unfortunate retreat, which happened soon after the launch of the Lisa in 1983, the Apple team were told never to return to the hotel. However after a multi-million dollar renovation, the Carmel La Playa hotel has lifted the ban, welcoming Apple back with open arms, SFGate reports.

Frank Rose, author of West of Eden: The End Of Innocence at Apple Computer, via SFGate:
When [Jay Elliot, former Apple SVP] was eating dinner in the La Playa’s primly starched dining room and saw a dozen Macintosh people swimming nude in the lighted pool outside, he chuckled softly and went on with this meal, oblivious to the polite strangling sounds of the blue-haired ladies all around. He was, after all, the official guardian of Apple’s corporate culture, and if this was what he was supposed to guard, he was ready for the task.
They all ran down to the beach and lit a bonfire, which was really fun until the police came and made them put it out. The next day they were invited gently but firmly never to return to the La Playa Hotel — whether because of the bonfire or the skinny-dipping they never knew for sure.
So Tim, Phil, Jony, Bob, Eddy, if you ever fancy a quick swim (clothed, I hope), or a relaxing retreat, you know exactly where to go.