This week’s Kickstarter is one for our female readers, so all 7 of you listen up! Do you ever have trouble finding your iPhone in your purse? Well, what if your iPhone WAS your purse?
From the pursecase Kickstarter page:
The idea for pursecase was born out of sheer necessity. By day, we are two busy publicists who through constantly being out at events found a need in the market for a more convenient way to go out with just our iPhones and essentials – so that we could eliminate the worry of losing our phones. pursecase makes life simple with a compact mirror, a pocket to carry some cash, ID & credit cards, and all with a stylish chain handle – which doubles as a bracelet – just in ‘case’ of a fashion emergency.
The pursecase comes in five colors – Teal, Pink, Purple, White & Black. The website notes that unlike the photos, the hardware on the pursecases (clasp and chain) will be GOLD for all models. The ladies behind the project need to raise $35,000 to bring the pursecase to market. As of the time of this article they have raised $3,500 with 20 days to go. They say if they raise enough funding, they be able to produce the pursecase for other devices too, such as the Samsung Galaxy S III and the iPad mini. So ladies, if this idea appeals to you, head on over to the pursecase Kickstarter page and check it out. And gentlemen, if you’re lucky enough to have a lady in your life that has an iPhone, head on over to the site, maybe you can make a few points with your special someone by snagging a pursecase for her.
Have you seen, or even better yet do you have, a current Kickstarter or Indiegogo project you’d like us to check out? If you do then drop me a line at Tell me all about the project, and why you think it would make a good subject for a future Kickstarter/Indiegogo Project of the Week. If I agree, I’ll contact you for more information.