iTunes 11 offers a lot of new features, as well as a revamped and simplified design – but one of those new features stands out above the rest, both in terms of sheer usefulness, as well as the “cool factor” – the ability to redeem an itunes or App Store gift card using your Mac’s built in camera (or even a PC, as the case may be).

The feature is extremely simple to use. First, scratch off the material covering the gift code with a coin. Then launch iTunes, enter the iTunes Store, click the “Redeem” link (under Quick Links), click “Use Camera”, position the gift card in front of the camera, and it will automatically read the code!
Unfortunately, for those that may have iTunes gift cards lying around and want to try this, the feature only works on newer versions of the iTunes gift card, which features a small black box surrounding the redeem code. I did happen to have on in my office that I bought on Black Friday, however, so these are being sold even now.
It’s a pretty cool feature, and saves you a bit of typing – but more importantly, you earn a little bit of Geek Street Cred every time you use the feature! Magical!