Following Apple’s demo of Passbook during their WWDC 2012 keynote, during which they highlighted Starbucks as one of the providers participating in the new service, the official Starbucks app for iOS has now finally been updated with Passbook support.

The official iPhone application from Starbucks! In addition to paying from Starbucks for iPhone, you can now add a Starbucks Card to Passbook. It’s the fastest way to pay at Starbucks – just scan and go!
While Starbucks did add Passbook support, they still haven’t updated their app for the iPhone 5’s taller screen. It also appears to be limited to the U.S. alone for the time being. It’s unclear why Starbucks’ app updates appear to be so delayed, or why Starbucks isn’t placing a higher priority on their partnership efforts with Apple.
Starbucks for iOS is available now for free from the App Store (free, App Store link). The full App Store change log can be found below:
What’s New in Version 2.4
• Passbook support
• iOS6 support
• Now easier to sign up and start earning Rewards with our new account creation flow
• Accessibility, data optimization, and performance improvements
• Multiple bug fixes