Review: CalcPro – Perform Calculations Like Never Before

One of the biggest letdowns of the iPad (and they’re aren’t many) is that it lacks an inbuilt calculator. And the problem with the iPhone’s calculator is that it can’t do conversions including currency.

Bottom line is that iOS is disappointing from a calculating point of view, but CalcPro (for both iPhone and iPad) brings advanced calculator functions including graphing and financial calculations to iOS for an experience every boffin would love.


CalcPro HD allows you to select the calculator you want using a tab bar on the left hand side, which makes navigation a doddle. With the iPhone version you select using a button at the bottom, which is just as easy.

The best bit about the app is what you can calculate with it, which is everything within reason: you get ten different calculators which allow you to perform basic calculations, scientific calculations, base conversions, graphing, unit conversions, world currency conversions, financial calculations, statistics and date and time calculations.

That’s a huge list and I cannot imagine what you could want more from a calculator. Not only that, but the level of customisation offered is also quite ridiculous in the best possible way. Some of the settings I didn’t even understand like R.P.N, but I take the view that if you can customize it, it’s a good thing.

I alluded to it earlier, but one of the functions I appreciated a lot was the date and time calculator, something which doesn’t feature in a lot of other calculator apps. With it yo can find how far away something is, or you can calculate flight times and car journeys so you know exactly how long your journey took.


CalcPro HD and CalcPro (iPad and iPhone) could do not more as calculator apps, and they lack nothing. The user interface is pretty much identical on both machines (except some minor differences like the way you change calculator), so whichever one you go for, you’ll get full functionality.

Maths boffin or not, CalcPro is incredibly useful and it has already become my default calculator on both iPhone and iPad.

Rating: 5/5

Price: $7.99 (iPhone, iPad)


  • All the functions you could ever want from a calculator.
  • Infinitely customisable.
  • Very easy to use even for the non-Maths orientated.


  • None.
Henry Taylor-Gill

Henry is a student who is a huge Apple fan, and has used their products since day one. He can remember how happy he was when he received the first iPod back in 2001 as a birthday present. He has an international background, having spent most of his life in France but he now lives in the UK. He is also a native French speaker and can also speak Spanish at a decent level. In addition to tech, Henry is an avid sports fan and has his own sports blog.