Owners of the iPhone have accounted for 69% of the 256% increase in trade-in offers via eBay’s Instant Sale service after the announcement of the new iPhone 5. Android devices accounted for only 16% of the offers.
Since the iPhone 5 was announced on Sept. 12, eBay Instant Sale trade-in offers for legacy handsets increased 256 percent from the same period one week prior, according to metrics provided to AppleInsider.
The data only includes offers generated by eBay’s Instant Sale and don’t reflect actual trade-ins. The huge jump in offers is most certainly driven by existing iPhone users looking to sell their old handsets to finance the purchase of the new iPhone 5.
Offers generated for iOS devices amounted to 69% of all offers, followed by Android devices with 16%. Of the iPhone offers, 46% were for the iPhone 4, 40% for the iPhone 4S, 8% for the iPhone 3GS, and 6% for the iPhone 3G.
The top 5 devices that received offers were iOS phones.
eBay’s Instant Sale is the destination for my iPhone 4S, and my wife’s iPhone 4, upon the hoped for receipt of our new iPhone 5’s this coming Friday.
Also, before sending your phone off to any buyer, you should do the following. (Thanks to Glyde.com for the list.):