While it’s already known that Verizon iPhone 5s are unlocked right out of the box, it was initially unclear whether the same was true of AT&T models. In previous years, iPhones sold at full price on a “no commitment” basis were still locked to the original carrier network, requiring users to specifically request an unlock.

With the iPhone 4S launch last year, iPhones sold at full price were automatically unlocked, and according to TechCrunch, the same is true of the iPhone 5. While the iPhones ship unlocked, however, users are still required to do a complete restore through iTunes in order to take advantage of the ability to use alternate carriers.
To restore an iPhone through iTunes, just select your device in the left-hand column in iTunes, and click the “Restore” button. After restoring through iTunes, you’ll be greeted with a message informing you that your iPhone is unlocked, and you’ll be good to go!
It’s good to know that it’s become standard to unlock devices purchased at full price – it should never have been any other way!