In a move that has to tick Google off just a little, new Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer has said “iPhones for everyone!” by giving her entire staff new iPhones. By ignoring Android, could Mayer be making sure everyone knows that her loyalties are truly no longer with Google?

She could have picked an Android device for the ten thousand-plus people who work at the company. But she didn’t, instead suggesting spending a couple million on the Apple product, according to Business Insider’s Nicholas Carlson. Mayer herself had an iPhone when she worked at Google, notes Carlson, so maybe it’s not that surprising.
Google never was totally anti-Apple, in the way that say Microsoft is. (Microsoft is a Windows only shop, banning Macs and iPads.) Google employees can be seen using Mac computers instead of Chrome notebooks.
As any observer will tell you, the iPhone vs. Android battle is a hotly contested one, with supporters on both side continually volleying shots over the bow of the other side. Mayer doesn’t work at Google any longer, so she’s officially released from any loyalty she may have had to Google’s products. (There is that part above about her using an iPhone while still employed at Google. So, maybe loyalty never has been an issue?) It’s gotta piss-off Google just a bit though when they read about Mayer giving out iPhones to her staff instead of say, a Galaxy S III.
Mayer giving iPhones to her new staff — Just a personal preference, or a one-finger salute to her former employer?