There’s no doubt that Apple’s iPhone shook up the smartphone industry in a high way when it was unveiled in early 2007. As such an iconic and highly influential item, the original iPhone would certainly hold significant value for certain types of collectors.

Over 5 years later, there are probably not many first-gen iPhone still floating around, especially ones still sealed in the original box. iDownloadBlog notes that a couple of eBay sellers have decided to capitalize on that fact, and have listed their brand new shrink-wrapped collector’s pieces on eBay – for $10,000!
One of the devices, listed by eBay seller phsledge, already has two bids, and is up over $2000, while the other listing is a Buy it Now only item, and at present has obviously not been purchased.
It’s unlikely that either device will fetch the $10,000 asking price. Even though the iPhone was incredibly influential, the original iPhone is still just over 5 years old – that’s not a lot of time to gain as much value as the sellers are hoping.
What do you think?