Whether it’s a birthday or an anniversary, a marriage or a sporting event, with every big moment comes a sense of anticipation. You can’t wait for it, and you’re constantly checking the date to see how many days are left before the big moment.
If you have an iOS device, this is made much simpler, as there are many countdown apps that are dedicated for that purpose. One of those is Countdown++, and with an awesome looking design and icon, let’s see how it performs.

This is one of those apps that looks great and is at the same time very simple. It’s obvious where to click to add a countdown as there is a big arrow pointing at it to show you, and while I don’t normally like apps that are split down the middle, this one is okay as it doesn’t hinder the functionality in any way.

However there are some issues with how the different parameters for the countdown are listed. For example, it says ‘start date’ for when you want the countdown to finish, which makes very little sense, who knows if this was a mistake or on purpose.
To end the section on a more positive note though, you have a wide range of countdown backgrounds to choose from, all of which are stunning, so design wise, the app is almost faultless.
This app is buttery smooth, with absolutely no lagging whatsoever. It’s a great experience, and a really awesome feature complimenting its silky smoothness is swiping to change the countdown background – you don’t have to go through the settings to configure the background image, just swipe.

Sharing is also built into the app, giving you the ability to post your countdowns to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and LinkedIn, as well as by SMS and email. You can share them in both image and text form, and for the former you can even save to your photo album.
Finally, the time until the big moment isn’t only given to you in day’s and hours. It’s also given to you purely in seconds, minutes and hours. For example, my birthday is 2758500 seconds from now or 45974 minutes away.

This is a great app for counting down and building the anticipation to a big event, and it works really well. Above all, the design is superb, and while the settings for the timer could have been listed more clearly, it’s fairly minor and I would highly recommend this if you’re looking for a countdown timer.
Rating: 4.5/5
Price: $2.99 (App Store link)
- Great design and layout with plenty of countdown themes
- Silky smooth experience
- Great sharing options
- Shows time in a variety of ways
- Some settings for the timer are listed confusingly