A teacher who has used the Apple TV in his classroom says it is a fabulous teaching tool. He’s been using it in conjunction with the iPad. but he’s having problems finding suitable apps for presenting his lessons. Hear that app developers?
Using Apple TV in a lesson is FANTASTIC! Having read about it online I sort of knew what to expect but it was only when I actually tried it out in a lesson did I realize the huge impact that it has on teaching and learning.
He makes the following points in his post:
He said he used it in a year 4 class, and the students asked him to mirror the iPad screen of one of the more confident students, so they could watch the process of how the student created their work.
Haughton says his only problem with the set up is he’s having trouble finding suitable apps to present lessons on. He has high hopes for an app called “SMART Notebook“, which will be launched over the summer.