Following yesterday’s release of the OS X Mountain Lion Golden Master to developers, Apple has begun accepting OS X Mountain Lion apps into the Mac App Store, including cross platform Game Center games that work with both Mountain Lion and iOS!

From the email:
Make sure your apps take advantage of the great new features in OS X Mountain Lion when the world’s most advanced operating system ships to millions of customers worldwide. Download OS X Mountain Lion GM seed and Xcode 4.4 GM seed, now available on the Mac Dev Center. Build your apps with these latest seeds, then test and submit for review.
You can also submit iOS apps that take advantage of the new cross-platform Game Center Groups, so they’ll be available when OS X Mountain Lion ships.
While Mountain Lion is currently only available to developers, it is expected to be released to the public in the very near future – as soon as developers have had a chance to optimize their apps for the latest version of OS X!
OS X Mountain Lion will be available exclusively through the Mac App Store for $19.99.