Google’s recently launched Chrome for iOS certainly shows a lot pf promise – in fact, many prefer it to the Mobile Safari browser built into iOS. Unfortunately, due to Apple’s restrictions, users are still stuck using Mobile Safari as their default browser, regardless of which they prefer. A new jailbreak tweak, however, seeks to change all that.

iDownloadBlog reports that BrowserChooser, available now through the Cydia alternative app store, has now been updated to support Google Chrome for iOS, allowing users to use Google’s new browser as their default!
Personally, I see no good reason for Apple not to allow users to choose their own default browser without jailbreaking and resorting to third-party tweaks. In my opinion, it’s high time that Apple changed this. Consumer choice is not something to be dickered with!
For those running jailbroken devices, BrowserChoose is a free download which you can grab using developer Ryan Petrich’s Cydia repository (by adding to your source list).