Following last week’s report that Facebook began rolling out a new app dedicated to managing business or fan pages on Facebook, the app is now officially available in App Stores across multiple regions, including the the U.S. App Store.

Pages Manager helps admins connect with their audience and keep up with activity on multiple Pages, all in one place.
– Post new updates and photos as your Page
– Get notified about new activity on your Page when it happens, no matter where you are
– Respond, post and comment as your Page while you’re on-the-go
– Manage all your Facebook Pages from one app
– View your latest Page InsightsJust install Pages Manager and then log in using Facebook to quickly access and manage all of your Pages from wherever you are.
The app functions as a supplement to the official Facebook for iOS app, which does not allow users to manage their pages, and marks the second significant move that Facebook has made to break up their social network into multiple apps. Their first such move was the release of Facebook Messenger for iOS.
Facebook Pages Manager is available immediately as a free download through the App Store (free, App Store link).