Those who own both an iPhone and an iPad, or who have multiple family members all using smartphones, might wish there was a way to share data between devices and family members without having to pay for several separate data plans.

Fortunately, that may soon become a reality! Following Verizon’s announcement that they are working on family data sharing, AT&T Wireless CEO Ralph de la Vega reveals that they are planning to offer their own version of family data sharing in the near future as well!
CNET Reports:
The company has a firm hold on what type of plan it will offer and intends to offer one soon, said Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T’s mobile business, in an interview with CNET here yesterday. A family data plan would allow consumers to buy one bucket of data, which can be used by multiple devices, a move industry observers believe could spur the sale of non-traditional cellular devices like connected tablets.
“I’m very comfortable with the plan that will be offered to our customers,” de la Vega said on the sidelines of his company’s home security and automation event at the CTIAWireless trade show.
It’s unclear how device subsidies would work under shared data plans, as they would affect the total amount that AT&T is able to recoup for subsidized devices over a typical two-year contract term. It will be interesting to see what AT&T is able to come up with.
No hints were given as to the pricing of shared data plans, but if AT&T is completely honest in the way they handle the situation, shared data prices should cost no more per gigabyte than individual data plans, although having multiple devices on the same plan may cause customers’ to buy larger pools of data.
There was also no word given on when AT&T might make their shared data plans available, although they may be trying to compete with Verizon, who plans to have their own shared data plans available by the middle of the year.
Hopefully more will be revealed in the near future – and hopefully AT&T decides to take the honest route with their shared data pricing, rather than trying to gouge their customers…