Apple has released an update for their popular video editing software, Final Cut Pro X, bringing the version up to 10.0.4. The update brings support for traditional Chinese, as well as a variety of bug fixes and stability improvements.

From the release notes:
Final Cut Pro X version 10.0.4 improves overall stability, performance, and compatibility including:
- Improves image quality and responsiveness of broadcast monitoring with compatible third-party PCIe and Thunderbolt I/O devices.
- Improves performance of multicam syncing and editing.
- Adds language support for Simplified Chinese.
- Adds a Share option for 1080p video on compatible iOS devices.
Final Cut Pro version 10.0.4 also addresses the following issues:
- Assigns default audio channel setting for new projects to stereo.
- Includes multicam metadata in XML project export.
- Fixes an issue in which video superimposed over a background with an alpha channel could appear differently in Viewer before and after render.
- Fixes an issue that caused some titles to be rendered again after each application launch.
This update is recommended for all users of Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut Pro 10.0.4 is available immediately as a free update for existing users, and is available for $299 from the Mac App Store for new users ($299.99, Mac App Store link).