Wallpaper Weekend is a post series intended to bring you stunning, high quality wallpapers for your iPad, iPhone, and/or iPod Touch.
This weekend I present you two “New iPad” wallpapers created specifically for the 1536×2048 (at 264 ppi) Retina display! It is time to start prepping your wallpaper library with HD+ images for March 16th. After all, I wouldn’t want you using stock wallpapers on that shiny new screen. Taking full advantage of every single beautiful pixel, the paint splattered Apple logo shines against a dark woven background. Additionally, for the avid MacTrast reader, please enjoy the MacTrast logo amid a warm wooden backdrop. You really have to blow these up to see the extra detail in the textured images!

Full Resolution (2048×2048)
Wallpaper Weekend Posts
The series is posted by MacTrast’s own Jim Gresham and can be found in the Wallpaper Weekend section of the MacTrast webpage. Today’s wallpapers were designed and created by Jim Gresham with textured pattern fills from Subtle Patterns.
Download Instructions
From your iDevice, link to the full resolution image. Tap and hold on the image until the “Save Image” option appears. Saving the image will place your new wallpaper in the Camera Roll.
From your desktop, link to the full resolution image. Right click and save the image to your iTunes photo sync folder.