Apple’s iOS devices have been taking the enterprise market by the horns recently, and according to a new study by ChangeWave (via The Loop), that’s not about to change. The study found that 84% of business planning to buy tablets will be purchasing iPads within the next three months.

Going forward, better than one-in-five companies (22%) say they’ll be purchasing tablets for their employees during 2nd Quarter 2012, and the percentage reporting they’ll buy Apple iPads has jumped to the highest level of corporate iPad demand ever seen in a ChangeWave survey.
A total of 84% of companies planning to buy tablets next quarter now say they’ll purchase iPads – a 7-pt leap since the previous survey.
The study is based on a survey of IT purchasers from over 1600 companies, which found that one in five companies are planning to deploy tablets within three months, and 84% of those companies are deat set on purchasing iPads. In addition, the survey also addresses which carriers companies would tend to choose for 3G/4G-enabled devices.

Apple’s announcement of the new iPad has also decreased businesses’ likelihood to purchase tablets from Apple’s competitors, such as Samsung and Amazon. If that’s not enough to show you that the iPad is increasingly being considered as a valuable business tool, I don’t know what will.
You can check out the entire study for yourself over at ChangeWave